Error Message Gallery

Make your own error message with our Error Message Generator!

Here's a gallery of funny and common error messages, most are real, and some are fake. I'm using Linux, so most errors are on Linux Ubuntu.

Real error messages

Sorry, not yet implented.

Most programs on Linux doesn't have help file.

Not yet implented Not yet implented

See, Wine doesn't have help doc either.


It happened when I ran VBScript with Wine.

Package Update Completed

Wine can't install Photoshop CS2

"You can learn SketchUp"

Google SketchUp is buggy on Wine

Unable to launch application

The trial extended one more day?!

Information: There's not connection from remote debugger in 20 seconds. ...

NetBeans' PHP plugin doesn't work because it's beta.

(PHP on NetBeans)

Why it's an error?!

Port 9,000 is already occupied. ...

NetBeans' PHP plugin is still buggy...

Catchable fatal error: ...

I forgot to define __toString()

Script error, confinue?

Mario Paint on Wine is buggy.

Unable to launch application

Paamayim Nekudotayim means twice colon, (like ::)in Hebrew.

Could not grab your mouse.

Maybe it's a bug with GNOME.

Inkscape has reveived additional data from the script executed. ...

You must install lxml before using any Effects on Inkscape.

Address Not Found...

Why the icon is missing?

(output buffer)

It happened every time when I'm running a Java application, but nothing else happened.

Unhandaled exception...

Cat333Poémon's Dice Roll has bugs.

Unhandaled exception...

It also applies to his Refresh Browser.

Unexcepted exception...

NetBeans always generate that error.

Your search -\- did not match any documents.

You can't type special characters on Google Search.

Area: 0...

My script can't handle polygons with intersections, so 0 is returned.

(acid2 on Dillo)

Dillo is not standard compliant, but it's small.

(UnitedUniverse front page)

GIF doesn't work on Dillo.

(Google Chrome error page)

Google Chrome has detailed error page! So I know if it's DNS error or timeout error.

(error gallery)

Some images are missing on Google Chrome.

Fake error messages


I didn't see the input box?!

In Soviet Russia, error causes YOU!

LOL, just a test of my Error Message Generator.

All you base are belong to us

You have no time to escape!